ECOLM - An Electronic Corpus of Lute Music

The database


There are many difficulties associated with pagination and foliation of documents. To reduce confusion, the database stores Pages utterly independently of pagination details. It is simple (though confusing to view) to create pages without any numbering at all, even providing facsimile Graphics (see below). It is also possible to encode parallel foliations where they exist in sources. The Pages table is very simple:

Page ID integer Auto-increment-generated primary key
* Source ID integer Join
Page Systems integer Number of systems on the page (currently empty)

Pagination is stored in its own table:

Pagination ID integer Auto-increment-generated primary key
* Page ID integer Join
Pagination Type enum ‘Page’, ‘Folio’, ‘Item’ or ‘Gathering’
Pagination Reference string Page number, folio number (1r, 1v, 2r, etc.), item number, gathering number (A1r, A1v, etc.)
Pagination Stream integer For cases where there are multiple paginations of the same type, the separate numberings should given separate stream numbers. Otherwise, leave at 0.

Each page that appears in a facsimile will also have an entry in Graphic_Pages:

GraphicPage ID integer Auto-increment-generated primary key
* Page ID integer Join
* Graphic ID integer Join
GraphicPage LMargin integer Distance in pixels from left of graphic to left of page
GraphicPage RMargin integer Distance in pixels from right of graphic to right of page
GraphicPage TMargin integer Distance in pixels from top of graphic to top of page
GraphicPage BMargin integer Distance in pixels from bottom of graphic to bottom of page

As will be clear from the fields listed, graphics showing open pages or which show, for example, several microfilm pictures in one file, may be cropped to show only the desired page. This format does not currently support rotation. This section is due to be changed - the zoomify application renders much of this unnecessary

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