ECOLM - An Electronic Corpus of Lute Music
The web application - browsing
Sources - Main
This page gives, if available:
- Source title (Urtext - may be truncated if very long)
- Location (Using RISM or library’s classmark - the latter if the source is a print)
- Format details - e.g. manuscript or print; partbook, lutebook, etc.; page material; binding information
- Source dimensions (usually taken from a catalogue - few will have been re-measured)
- general comments
- Places of origin or association
- Forces (i.e. instruments) of all pieces in the source
- People associated with the source1
- Source dates (see database help for a discussion of dates)
- Other names for the source 2
1 - This gives name, role with respect to the source, likelihood of the association being genuine (as opposed to an incorrect ascription) and any relevant comments. The same person may be listed more than once for different roles.
2 - This includes olim locations, modern names or contemporary names not given as the source title.