Paper Models

I like to make paper models of polyhedra. Here are some photograps and pdf files containing the pieces.

I use ruler and compass constructions in Adobe Illustrator to make perfectly shaped pieces. However, the quality of scoring, folding, and cutting also has a dramatic effect on the finished model.

I recommend:

And if that doesn’t work...

You boil it in sawdust: you salt it in glue:
You condense it with locusts and tape:
Still keeping one principal object in view—
To preserve its symmetrical shape.

—Lewis Caroll (The Hunting of the Snark)

A Stellation Of The Dodecahedron

There are 5 pairs of opposite pentagonal planes, each plane in a pair receives the same colour.

A picture of it.

The pieces: stellation.pdf.

A Dodecahedron

The 20 edges form 5 sets of 6 edges, the automorphism group A5 permutes the colours.

A picture of it.

The pieces: dodecahedron.pdf.